Thanks to Chris and a number of other PLP co-ordinators (Anita, Rowan, and Johanna, plus our long-term librarian Bruno), we rearranged the Prisoners Literature Project library at our HQ (Grassroots House in Berkeley) the other weekend.
We’re not necessarily changing the kinds of books we send out, but we’re trying to set up the library so that the most in-demand books are easiest to access and restock!
For those interested, here’s some of the most notable changes we made:
– Scifi and fantasy are in the same bookcase where they were but moved up, and will occupy three whole shelves now. There is a remainder order coming in to boost our inventory.
– Classic fiction is now in its own section, separated from general fiction. General fiction is in the same place, and the classic novels are to the right, underneath the politics section.
– Art books have moved down in their bookcase.- Spanish language books are on the bottom shelf in the closet.
– Graphic novels and humor are in the black bookshelf where the composition books were, and manga is just to the right, where the cookbooks were. There is a remainder order coming in to boost our inventory of graphic novels and manga.
– …and for good measure Anita restocked the T-shirts and cleared out and organized the closet in the workroom!
And obviously we still have lots of room for dictionaries, composition books, self-help books, and how-to/business books, which are some of our most requested titles!
Thanks again for everyone who helps to make this possible.