Prisoners Literature Project

PLP’s 2024 year in review…

December 2024  |  Published in Announcements, Latest News

(We received this beautiful drawing from a book recipient)

Here are some highlights from 2024:

  • – Sent over 12,000 packages to incarcerated people, amounting to over 30,000 books!
  • – Held 240 book packing sessions (3 hours each), including four with Berkeley High School students.
  • – Spent over $70,000 in postage. (The current cost to send a 3lb package is $5.82. Rates go up twice a year..)
  • – A group of volunteers hosted an open house to help educate friends about PLP and our mission. They raised $16,000!
  • – Received donation of several thousand fantasy and science fiction books from Tor Publishing.
  • – Awarded grants from several foundations – which are key to buying hard to source books.
  • – Volunteers scoured local library books sales in the East Bay, South Bay and more to add thousands of books on popular topics to our bookshelves.
  • – Purchased books in bulk to provide quality books on a huge range of subjects including trade skills, addiction recovery, self-help, drawing, math, science, etc.
  • Donors bought thousands of books for PLP at one of our 14 bookstore partners in Alameda, Berkeley, Fremont,  Napa, Oakland, Palm Springs, Palo Alto, San Francisco and San Leandro.
  • – Many thanks to these bookstores and staff!  They provided book titles and topics that we would not have access to otherwise!